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A win-win relationship

Every TechLX participant is matched with a CXO mentor for one-on-one insight, advice, and discovery. These relationships can have a profound affect on the trajectory of a mid-level technology leader’s career — and they provide powerful benefits for the mentor, as well.

why mentoring

The Value of Mentoring in IT

A good mentor gives up-and-coming technology leaders an edge

Mentors have been shown to help accelerate the career growth and development of their mentees, and they play a particularly important role in technology, where successful leadership hinges on more than technical expertise.

Through The TechLX mentoring component, mid-level leaders connect with seasoned tech leaders with the focus of building their professional networks and growing their leadership skills.

  • Connect with CXOs nationwide from diverse companies, industries, and backgrounds.
  • Learn from the experience of leaders who’ve already navigated the career path you aspire to.
  • Get real-word insight into the important career steps or turning points that will help you forge a similar path to success.
  • Share your own perspectives, background, and unique areas of expertise with a trusted advisor.
  • Get candid and constructive feedback in a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental environment.

Become a Mentor

    As  TechLX mentor, you’ll have the chance to pay it forward and engage with and learn from the next generation of tech leadership talent. To get started, select the appropriate form below:

    Open cohorts

    Healthcare cohorts

    Women’s cohorts

    Mentoring: A Hugely Helpful Tool—for Both Sides

    “When mentees have a tangible and open resource to ask questions and learn from their journey, both parties gain knowledge based on real-life experiences, and understand top-down and down-up communications. It sheds light and gives a diversity of perspective to career paths and processes.” – EVP, Operations & Technology, and a TechLX mentor

    Mentoring gives CIO mentors the opportunity to give back, learn, and build the future

    Top CIOs find that being a mentor is a satisfying way to pay it forward.

    But the benefits aren’t limited to just giving back to the next generation. CXOs who volunteer to be mentors for TechLX participants have repeatedly shared with us how much they get out of the experience personally.

    • Reinforce your own skills, knowledge, and confidence.
    • Pick up on emerging technology and workplace trends, ideas, and shifts from talented up-and-coming leaders who will be spearheading tomorrow’s transformations.
    • Step back from the day-to-day to reflect on your own career.
    • Help build a strong pipeline of future-ready IT leaders.

    TechLX Mentors Weigh In

    Why mentoring is a valuable personal and professional development tool

    When mentoring relationships thrive, both participants benefit. Access to a coach/guide/sounding board who has real world experience greater than one’s own is priceless when trying to accelerate growth and understanding.

    Mentors offer a safe and neutral sounding board in helping someone reach the next level of performance. It opens up a resource for exploring new ideas and learning from the experiences of another.

    I never had formal guidance. I needed to figure everything out for myself and feel I could have gone so much further with the proper mentorship. I would like to see others have the opportunity to take a more efficient and effective path.

    I have found that when mentoring someone, I always learn valuable skills from them, and learn more about leadership, culture, and myself throughout the process.

    Shape the Future of Technology Leadership!

    Are you an experienced tech leader who is interested in shaping the future of IT? Contact us to learn more about the benefits of becoming a mentor in The TechLX.


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