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The TechLX Schedule


Month 1
Kick-Off Call
Orientation & Sub-Cohort Introductions
month 2
Leadership Assessment, Participant and Manager (IT Skill Builder)
Assessment Review & Conversation, Participant and Manager
Mentor & Mentee Connections
Workshop: Leading in a Technology Organization

(Two 3-hour modules)

In the digital world, IT has the ability to truly add business value like never before. As a result, today’s IT professionals have to step up to a much higher scope of responsibility than just serving as manager of the technology function. In this workshop you will learn how to be a strategic thinker with the agility and emotional intelligence to inspire others, lead through ambiguity, and drive tangible business value.

month 4
Sub-Cohorts Conversations
Mentor & Mentee Meetings
Month 5
Workshop: Consulting Skills—Becoming the Trusted Advisor

(Four 3-hour modules)

We define consulting as influencing without direct power. This workshop will help you increase your influencing skills, while building trust with your clients. By learning more about your client, how their business works, and their strategic and personal goals, you will build stronger relationships and become a trusted resource for your clients.

Month 6
Sub-Cohorts Conversations
Mentor & Mentee Meetings
month 7
Workshop: Marketing a Technology Organization

(Four 3-hour modules)

Most people perceive marketing as something only the marketing department does. As a result, most IT professionals underutilize this important skill and end up functioning as reactive, product-pushing order takers. High-performing IT organizations leverage marketing to showcase their value. This workshop will help you focus on benefits and solutions instead of features and products and will guide you through a process for building a marketing plan that is scalable depending on what you plan to market and to whom.

Month 8
Sub-Cohorts Conversations
Mentor & Mentee Meetings
The TechLX Capstone (Building and presenting a real-world marketing plan for a current or future technology initiative)
Month 9
Sub-Cohorts Prepare a Graduation Presentation
Leadership Re-Assessment, Participant and Manager (IT Skill Builder)
Re-Assessment Review & Conversation, Participant and Manager
Graduation Celebration!


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