1-800-878-4551 info@ouellette-online.com


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Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring this program. Below are some of the ways you can sponsor the program in your community. Get in touch with us for more details and to learn more.

Ideal participants possess a growth mindset, aspire to take on significantly expanded responsibilities within 1-3 years and be in a role of senior leadership, have the capacity to provide a 10% time commitment above and beyond current job responsibilities, including all program activities, are located within the geographic region, and are not at risk for low performance.

Know someone who’d be a good fit? Nominate them by filling out the participant application.

Find out what’s involved with being a mentor, and apply here.

Hosting gives you the opportunity to showcase your organization and kick off the workshop with your pesronal experience as an industry expert/technology leader.

Facilities must accommodate up to 32 participants for a workshop. O&A will provide catering.

Click here to view the room layout.